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Chapter 2 Duties and Practice Scope of The Bar Association
Date:2022-11-05 View:410

Article 6 The duties and scope of business of the Bar Association are as follows:

(1) to support members in their practices in accordance with law and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members;

(II) to formulate and supervise the implementation of lawyers' professional standards;

(III) to be responsible for the education in, monitoring of and supervision over lawyers' professional ethics and professional discipline;

(IV) to provide guidance on the management of law firms;

(V) to encourage and support members in participation and deliberation on political affairs;

(VI) to facilitate sharing and exchange lawyers' work experience and to raise the professional standards of members;

(VII) to organize professional training of lawyers;

(VIII) to publicize lawyers' work and publish lawyers' journals;

(IX) to formulate and implement measures for the reward and punishment of members;

(X) to handle complaints against members;

(XI) to mediate disputes arising in the practice of members;

(XII) to investigate and collect evidence for acts in violation of laws and disciplines, impose trade sanctions and propose administrative penalties to the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice;

(XIII) to facilitate interaction and exchanges between members and foreign lawyers and foreign legal organisations;

(XIV) to provide members with welfare and other safeguards;

(XV) to participate in the legislative process, and to put forward suggestions relating to the legal system and the legal profession to the relevant departments;

(XVI) to coordinate relations with the relevant judicial, law-enforcement and administrative organs;

(XVII) to set up lawyers' working committees of the district, and to direct and support their work;

(XVIII) to be responsible for the assessment of individual members, and to assist and cooperate with the judicial administrative organs in assessing and administering group members;

(XIX) organizing and administering the internship activities of those applying for law practice and conducting their examination and qualification processes;

(XX) other duties stipulated by laws and regulations;

(XXI) to perform other duties entrusted by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice and All China Bar Association.

Article 7 The principles of the activities of the Bar Association are as follows:

(I) the Bar Association shall carry out public welfare or non-profit making activities in accordance with the approved articles of association and shall not go beyond the scope of business specified in the articles of association;

(II) to be honest, trustworthy, impartial and fair, and not to practise fraud or harm the interests of the State, members and individuals when carrying out the activities of the Bar Association;

(III) The Bar Association shall follow the principle of "self-sponsorship" and strive to work independently, be self-sustaining and raise its own funds. 

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